
10 Ways To Get More Steps In

In-Shape | 03 Feb, 2022 | Workouts | Return|

Have you gotten your steps in today? While it turns out there’s nothing magical about that 10,000 step goal you always hear about (fun fact: that actually originated as part of a marketing campaign for pedometers), moving more each week should always be a goal, and that can include getting more steps in.

If you’re having trouble reaching your personal step goals, give a few of these ideas a try. You’ll be getting those steps in before you know it!


1. Split up your walks

Finding time for a 30-minute walk can sound pretty daunting. Instead, try taking shorter walks throughout your day: maybe it’s a five-minute walk every hour, or you take a lap around the office (or the block) each time you take a trip to the restroom. Your body will appreciate the movement and you might even find it’s easier to concentrate when you get up from your desk every once in a while.

2. Start a post-meal walking tradition

Taking a 15-minute walk after dinner every night may help you digest your meal faster, and it’s a great way to get some extra time in with your family.

3. Walk and talk

Catch up with a friend or family member over the phone while you go for a walk—you’ll be surprised how easy it is to keep walking and talking. At work, ask your colleagues if they’ll join you for a walking meeting instead of spending more time in the conference room.

4. Get your workout in

Did you know you can get over 5,000 steps in a single Zumba class? Just another reason to make sure you make it to the club this week. You could even warm up or cool down by walking on the treadmill.

5. Play with your kids

Tag, you’re it! Family bonding plus exercise sounds like a win-win. Hide-and-seek, jumping rope, going on a scavenger hunt, follow the leader, and hopscotch are all fun ways to sneak in some movement for you and the littles.

6. Take the stairs

Elevators are convenient, but you’re missing the chance to get in more steps! Take the stairs whenever you can, and you’ll get the added benefit of working different muscles than walking on flat ground.

7. Make it a date

Invite a friend or significant other to meet you for a walk around the lake or park.

8. Walk your errands

Need to swing by the library or want to stop for coffee this weekend? Check to see if it’s a realistic walking distance or drive partway and walk the rest.

9. Walk during lunch

We know it feels easy to just eat lunch at your desk, but your lunch break is a fantastic time to clear your head and refocus for the rest of the day. Dedicate at least ten minutes of your lunch break to getting outside for some fresh air—and some steps, of course.

10. Get competitive

Challenge a friend or coworker to see who can get the most steps each week. If you’re the competitive type, you’d be surprised how motivating this can be!


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