Archive by category: Wellness Tips & TrendsReturn
You’ve probably heard of ways to take care of your body post-workout like stretching or refueling with nutritious foods, but how often does skincare come to mind after your last set? Caring for your skin is a great way to help you feel your best, so don't overlook taking care of it. Check out these tips to guide you in your post-workout skincare routine.
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Joint pain is a common issue that can significantly impact our daily lives, making even simple tasks seem daunting. As a result, many people seek relief through various methods, including dietary supplements. One such supplement that has gained popularity is glucosamine. But does it really have the potential to ease joint pain?
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Green juices have become the superhero of the health world - packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, they are often thought of as the ultimate secret weapon to boost your immune system and improve digestion. But, are they really worth all the hype? Let's take a closer look and find out.
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With the right mindset and approach, you can find a form of exercise and movement that brings you joy and makes you feel good both physically and mentally. Tune in to find out how.
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If you've been hitting the gym for a while, you may have heard of the "mind-muscle connection." But what exactly does this term mean? And more importantly, how can you use it to achieve better results in your workouts?
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Les Mills workouts have gained a reputation for being high-intensity, calorie-burning workouts that deliver results. But how many calories do you actually burn during these popular fitness classes?
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Are you feeling discouraged because you've hit an obstacle in your fitness journey? Don't worry! Obstacles are actually a sign that you're on the right track towards reaching your goals.
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Stress is a common part of everyday life. While it's not always avoidable, there are certain foods that can help reduce the impact of stress on the body. Incorporating some of these options into your diet just may make a difference! Here's 4 foods that can help you feel more relaxed and at ease.
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Want to challenge your body and try something new? Try this Studio Fitness Challenge that will push you to try a different studio fitness class each day and work out your entire body in one week. The challenge includes a variety of classes, each designed to target different muscle groups and improve your overall fitness.
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Do you hate eating your veggies and find yourself pushing them to the side of your plate, or drowning them in butter or sauces just to make them taste better? Do you dream of a world where veggies actually taste good? Well, we’ve got some great news! There are several great tips and tricks for cooking vegetables that will have even the pickiest eaters begging for more.
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